Hi Oseus98. We don't run AQ 5x5, but we do complete the maps in each BG played 100% in all BGs. Maybe one of our schedule would suit you? Our BG 1 plays this schedule: 5-4-4-4-4 usually and BG 2 plays 4-4-4-4-3 while BG 3 plays 4-4-3-3-3 and collectively we surpass 80+ M points in AQ each week, surpassing AQ milestones 21 and being ranked in the 2801-3500 bracket.
We are an organized, active alliance that reaches the last milestone in ALL alliance events. Our weekly SA averages 670K (it ranges from as low as 566K to as high as 877K). There are NO event minimums. We figure that if you are active, the numbers take care of themselves over time. It's more about having fun and enjoying the game.
There are NO donations requested (we plan to use our treasury resources up before asking for donations; and this may take another 2 years before we ask for donations again; unless we change course and begin playing more Maps 5, 6, etc.).
Telegram is used as the communication app. This is required!
So, if you are an active player, with no drama, you will fit in nicely with us. Let us know if this may alternatively fit what you seek. Please reach out to me in-game: gladiator2014 or on Telegram, @gladiator2014. I've friended you in-game.
We are an organized, active alliance that reaches the last milestone in ALL alliance events. Our weekly SA averages 670K (it ranges from as low as 566K to as high as 877K). There are NO event minimums. We figure that if you are active, the numbers take care of themselves over time. It's more about having fun and enjoying the game.
There are NO donations requested (we plan to use our treasury resources up before asking for donations; and this may take another 2 years before we ask for donations again; unless we change course and begin playing more Maps 5, 6, etc.).
Telegram is used as the communication app. This is required!
So, if you are an active player, with no drama, you will fit in nicely with us. Let us know if this may alternatively fit what you seek. Please reach out to me in-game: gladiator2014 or on Telegram, @gladiator2014. I've friended you in-game.
That is my alliance. I need one more responsible player to join. I’ve messaged and invited you in-game. You can also contact me on Line: Vinicio_o