Actual PvP Event

Would it be possible to create an actual PvP event where the contestants win say 100-50 glory, for the winner and loser respectively. It would be an event similar to dungeons, but instead of working together, you fight another player and not the AI. I believe people want this and it would Garner the support of retired players as well as regular players. The event could be called whatever you want to name it - “Throwing Down the Gauntlet” or “Line in the Sand” or “Training Grounds”. The name isn’t important so much as the idea that you can test your skills against other players and even show each other different tactics to make a better fighter or just fight each other for fun or because you really don’t like a person or just to get better as a player. This could revolutionize the game in the sense that it makes players better and it restores interest to the semiretired and/or burnt out players.