My weird character ideas

Louis from Antman
Special move: injects truth serum and runs over enemy with van( credit to whoever suggested this to be thought I forgot ur username
Batman( not gonna happen
Special. Move: throws smoke bomb, briefly stunning opponent, then throws a batarang.
Phil coulson
Special move: laser bazooka
Maria hill
Special move: calls in four shield agents to attack the enemy
Goose the cat( not sure if in game already)
Special move: releases tentacles
Melinda May
Special move: tackles opponent
Lincoln from agents of shield
Special move: lightning beam
Deathlok( not sure whether in game already or not, feel free to correct me)
Special move: rocket launch
Louis from Antman
Special move: injects truth serum and runs over enemy with van( credit to whoever suggested this to be thought I forgot ur username
Batman( not gonna happen
Special. Move: throws smoke bomb, briefly stunning opponent, then throws a batarang.
Phil coulson
Special move: laser bazooka
Maria hill
Special move: calls in four shield agents to attack the enemy
Goose the cat( not sure if in game already)
Special move: releases tentacles
Melinda May
Special move: tackles opponent
Lincoln from agents of shield
Special move: lightning beam
Deathlok( not sure whether in game already or not, feel free to correct me)
Special move: rocket launch