Sinister Labs too difficult!

The new Sinister Labs have been released within the latest patch.
0 Energy thankyou very much. But why so difficult? For the minor rewards, it really is too difficult to most certainly complete epic, let alone master for most people. Anyone else having the same problem? 15
Plus, I like that you have multiple opportunities to quit and start over if you get in there and don't like what they're offering champion wise. Plus with the objectives, I'm already over flowing the dice (though I don't like that you get so many early on and then will not have them later), and the new buffs, it seems a bit more doable for me.
This is just referring to the difficulty. I haven't really looked at the reward structure and what this will yield by the ennd recently.
(Edit: I just went and calculated all the rewards and they are lacking for the amount of work. Definitely should opt to just skip a day if it's too hard or you're not feeling it than use items.)