Quest Tab Layout as Store Layout

Do you think it is better if the Quest is arranged similar to the Store?
The Store has all the tabs - Glory, loyalty, dungeons, profile, etc. It is easy to navigate from one to another (1 click).
The new layout requires reloading of screen just to go from quest to another. For example, if youre in Event quest and you want to go to Daily quest, you will need to press back (reload screen), then click Daily quest (reload screen).
If quest is arrange similar to Store, you will see all the tabs - Event, Daily, Special, Aw, Aq, etc. And easier to go from one quest to another.
The Store has all the tabs - Glory, loyalty, dungeons, profile, etc. It is easy to navigate from one to another (1 click).
The new layout requires reloading of screen just to go from quest to another. For example, if youre in Event quest and you want to go to Daily quest, you will need to press back (reload screen), then click Daily quest (reload screen).
If quest is arrange similar to Store, you will see all the tabs - Event, Daily, Special, Aw, Aq, etc. And easier to go from one quest to another.