Don't trade in Quest crystals!

Just a warning for all, it's another swing and miss by kabam. I got 2 3000 ISO in the large trade crystal. If I had opened all 100 small ones and got just 75 ISO each, the smallest of them, I would have been better off. I hope others have better luck, but I would just open them individually. Plus you get more (albeit small) weekly summoner points. I know its not a huge deal, but its like Kabam saying "I will give you this shiny new nickel for one of your old quarters"!
These big batch deals are almost never worth it.
The SA points mean almost nothing.
It Take too much time to open and then again sell them which gives miserabel low amounts of Gold.
I dont need Generic ISO. I sell all of it. For rank ups i Take class iso
So i could clear my crystal stash and got a chance to some units quickly. They should advertise those crystals every year.
Equal value. Q.E.D.
Opening one got me ten full energy. I know not all of them will give me that but that's a lot better than opening 100 regular crystals. Do I know that I have better odds at units and energy with the regular crystals? Yeah... that's just a matter of statistics and sheer numbers, I obviously have a better chance at pulling the 1% drop rate out of 2k crystals compared to 1% drop rate out of 20... but I'll build back up to 2k questing crystals, who knows if this trade in will return, so why not gamble for the mega prize considering I don't open the lesser crystals anyway?
No lost SA points either, so that's nice.