
This may be a dumb question to ask after becoming a Cavalier...
Saw in some post that Proxima doesn't trigger masochism. Just want to know if that's true and want to know how...
Any replies?
Saw in some post that Proxima doesn't trigger masochism. Just want to know if that's true and want to know how...
Any replies?
Opponent’s have 200% Offensive Ability Accuracy reduction when Proxima Midnight blocks an attack. Additionally, she can use the Parry Mastery against any basic attack, stunning opponents even if their attack is projectile based.
Developer Note: Yondu won’t be able to inflict his Bleed through Proxima
Having trouble beating Warlock this month and I don't have perfect counter champ for him... Blade and GR are not even doing any damage ...
Will try with Proxima.... She's only at r2 ...