Multiple Man

Multiple Man
Power: Split Persona
How his power would work.
Each time he is hit with a Crit or Special attack, a less powerful Duplicate of him would appear in his place, and the original would go to the back of his starting side. The dupe that is made would start with the same % of life that Multiple Man Had after taking the hit that split him, but the dupe would be one rank less then the original. And each dupe after would keep going down a rank.
Example If he was a 4* rank 5, his first dupe would be a 4* rank 4, then the next would be a 4* rank 3, 4* rank 2, 4* rank 1, 3* rank 4 3* rank 3 and so on.
Each dupe made will have the same % of health as the last dupe before him had after the hit that split him.
Take note: The life the Dupe gets is equal to the % of the last Dupe, not how much life points he had. If he was at 70% health then the next dupe would have 70% health starting. Being a lower rank it would be less then what the other Dupe had.
Once a dupe reaches 0 health the dupe before him rejoins the fight.
Once a dupe is K.O. or Reabsorb he can not be brought back. The next dupe would be the rank under the lowest rank to have been summoned.
You can Reabsorbed the current dupe to gain life equal to half of what he has. This would go to the dupe just before the current one.
Example, if the dupe had 1000 life points he would give 500 life points to the dupe or original who absorbed him.
To Reabsorb dodge back and hold block for 3 seconds.
So looking at this power you might think its OP at first. But let me point out that it is a power that is only good when your doing bad. And only the first 2 or 3 dupes would be good in a fight with the strength and life drop. I would think after that Reabsorbing for a pseudo healing factor would be the only good way to go.
His power is not easy to add into this game but this is what I came up with. Let me know what you think
Power: Split Persona
How his power would work.
Each time he is hit with a Crit or Special attack, a less powerful Duplicate of him would appear in his place, and the original would go to the back of his starting side. The dupe that is made would start with the same % of life that Multiple Man Had after taking the hit that split him, but the dupe would be one rank less then the original. And each dupe after would keep going down a rank.
Example If he was a 4* rank 5, his first dupe would be a 4* rank 4, then the next would be a 4* rank 3, 4* rank 2, 4* rank 1, 3* rank 4 3* rank 3 and so on.
Each dupe made will have the same % of health as the last dupe before him had after the hit that split him.
Take note: The life the Dupe gets is equal to the % of the last Dupe, not how much life points he had. If he was at 70% health then the next dupe would have 70% health starting. Being a lower rank it would be less then what the other Dupe had.
Once a dupe reaches 0 health the dupe before him rejoins the fight.
Once a dupe is K.O. or Reabsorb he can not be brought back. The next dupe would be the rank under the lowest rank to have been summoned.
You can Reabsorbed the current dupe to gain life equal to half of what he has. This would go to the dupe just before the current one.
Example, if the dupe had 1000 life points he would give 500 life points to the dupe or original who absorbed him.
To Reabsorb dodge back and hold block for 3 seconds.
So looking at this power you might think its OP at first. But let me point out that it is a power that is only good when your doing bad. And only the first 2 or 3 dupes would be good in a fight with the strength and life drop. I would think after that Reabsorbing for a pseudo healing factor would be the only good way to go.
His power is not easy to add into this game but this is what I came up with. Let me know what you think