AQ focused alliance looking for 1! NO wars, 8k min prestige

Fire Breathing Cobras are looking for 1 skilled player to join us!
AQ 66655, no wars! 240mil, rank 403!
If you're tired of wars and want to have fun while still get great rewards and have your champs free for other content than this is the place for u!
Well organized alliance, with family and helping atmosphere! No events minimums.
Minimum prestige 8K, with at least 2 R5 5*.
US timezone preferred.
PM me on Line at SuperShiran for more info or join our recruiting room below!
AQ 66655, no wars! 240mil, rank 403!
If you're tired of wars and want to have fun while still get great rewards and have your champs free for other content than this is the place for u!
Well organized alliance, with family and helping atmosphere! No events minimums.
Minimum prestige 8K, with at least 2 R5 5*.
US timezone preferred.
PM me on Line at SuperShiran for more info or join our recruiting room below!