Rank up advice, 6r2 or 5r5

Hello everyone, I need rank up advice. I Just got domino as a 6 stars and I don't know what to do. Should I rank 2 domino ( I have 4 T5B)? I only have one rank 5 so I don't know if this is the right choice to r2 a 6 stars. This is my roster, any advice is welcome. I'm cavalier, I complete variant 2 and 3 (working on the 100% at the moment) also I didn't do any path of the LOL.

I have many more R5s than yourself but I definitely took my domino to R2 as fast as I could.
In that process you should another excellent r5 option. The way I see it in the practice is better to have 3 r5 champion plus an r1 domino, than just having one r5 and an R2 domino.
I was in a similar dilemma, I could have R2 Corvus, Emma frost or cap iw unawakened, instead I r5 cap iw awakened and nick fury and I think it was the best choice.
The time when R3 6 stars rule the game is still far away and more r5 champions would definitely help through all the content in this game.
If you think Gulk is useful more often than domino I don't think it's us that's confused.
I'm not saying Gulk is bad champ by any means but he is definitely niche and you don't start ranking niche champs that early in the game. My R4 Gulk has gotten me through any annoying passive DoT fights I needed him for up to this point. My R2 domino has flat out face rolled a ton of end game content along with R2 Rulk and R1 masacre