Why buy units when all you ever get are 2* Heroes when buying Crystals?

Why spend another dime buying units when all you get are 2* Heroes....? The recent changes to the game have made buying Premium Hero Crystals even less likely to win above 2* .. Currently on 31 in a row 2* run... How practical is that Kabam? WHy deincentivize your game? Anyone with smarts will refuse to buy anything if percentages aren't a little more favorable...
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Premium Hero Crystals aren't the answer to get 3* and 4* champions. People open hundreds of PHC before getting a 4* champ. If you want to get more 4* faster get into an alliance that gets 3* and 4* crystal shards regularly.
Sorry to hear about your streak of bad luck! But we have not made any changes to the crystals, so the chances have not changed. The chances are always random.
Furthermore, Units can be used for a variety of different purchases in game. It's obviously up to you if you'd like to spend money in the game, and there are lots and lots of players that have found great success in the Contest that haven't spent any money at all!
We've worked very hard to ensure that we built a game that players of all different walks of life and play styles can find a level of success in.
I'm going to close this thread down now because Rants are not allowed in the forums.