My Poll is broken.

I thought it was a good poll and now I won't know for sure cause it doesn't get bumped to the top of the first page when people comment.
This new forum seems to have some bugs that gotta be worked out.
This new forum seems to have some bugs that gotta be worked out.
When I click on "General Discussion" to see a listing of the threads, it doesn't show up.
Evidently, the search function of my browser is a little tricky. I had to type in the word again to make sure it does the searching.
Anyway, the time stamp isn't updated. It still shows August 11 so that's why it isn't bumped.
I see similar threads popping up and it sucks cause I won't know if mine was good if it won't get bumped. Having one or two people say it was bad or good isn't enough. If the number of people is way nore than those who voted or commented I would know it's bad otgerwise it would be good if lots of people commented and/or voted.
I don't want to make a new one cause it's against TOS.