Back to question: Return treasure

Good afternoon! I apologize for my English, but there is a serious question.
Due to the outbreak of lawlessness in the Seasons of wars, collusion. and piloting.
There was a situation: not only that Kabam did not penetrate into what is happening, as long as the undeniable facts of violations could not be concealed in any way, and as a whole there were no incentives or compensation for an honest base of players.
I will keep silent about ridiculous rank awards, they are not comparable with a waste of resources for keeping a place in high categories.
But I digress. Kabam began to actively punish pilot alliances, reducing their war rating, or blocking access to the Wars for the period (I know about the 90-day ban).
BUT. kabam DOES NOT disclose who the offender is, how many of them, perhaps considering that the leader or officers know or in collusion with cheaters. Of course, it happens, but not everywhere and not all.
I was faced with a situation where the cheaters are unknown, and the whole clan broke up, because there was no confidence, and who were the pilots no one admitted.
play in the clan with a war ban did not make sense. BUT.
I am interested in the TREASURE. we regularly replenished it, played map 5.
The treasury for the year has significantly increased.
BUT since Kabam does not allow you to detect cheaters, and resources are extremely difficult to obtain in the game without donat ....
I have a question. if the alliance has disintegrated, for the reasons indicated above, or the like, CABAM is obliged to return resources from the treasury to all or the remaining participants of the alliance. it's honest and absolutely correct with no one knowing who the cheaters are.
I think this issue will be extremely interesting for all honest players, who earned their resources without mods or other ways of cheating resources.@Lyra @Miike