Who should I focus on ranking up next?

X4DaysX4Days Member Posts: 33
Just completed act 4 and found myself with a bunch of new 4*’s. Who should I bring to 4/40 or even 5/50?


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Hyperion and havok
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Hyperion / Havoc / Wolverine / Nebula / Symbiote should be your first R4 4*s.
  • X4DaysX4Days Member Posts: 33
    i have quake nick fury doc oc carnage and spider gwen as 4/40’s rn by the way
  • HedronHedron Member Posts: 359
    Havok and korg
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    Whomever youre best with. Youre nearing or are already at the point where you should be able to regularly complete master difficulty and 100% heroic EQ's. Once you get to, or perhaps you are already at, this point, you need not worry ranking up champs individually as you T3 class catalysts will come pouring in. Personally, I would try to get at least 1 Tier 4 basic per week through arena and prepare for the 5*s you will eventually get once you get to the next milestone in your progression.

    But if youre really good with Quake, Hyperion, SS, Havok, or Nick Fury, rank those up first. If not, then dont fall into the trap of ranking up someone based solely on reputation
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    X4Days said:

    Just completed act 4 and found myself with a bunch of new 4*’s. Who should I bring to 4/40 or even 5/50?

    Havok Carnage or x23
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    Hyperion havok mr sinister
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