New Map 6, Gold 1 Alliance Forming After Season (Need 15 Players)

Need AQ rewards but don’t wanna push AW? We will be your place!
Prestige of 8500 required.
Discord required (I’ll link ya in through Line)
Line users find me at: Nate.Woods
My IGN is Zerk 69. I’m the current leader of a Map 2, Gold 1 but need more A2 and T5B in a Map 6.
Prestige of 8500 required.
Discord required (I’ll link ya in through Line)
Line users find me at: Nate.Woods
My IGN is Zerk 69. I’m the current leader of a Map 2, Gold 1 but need more A2 and T5B in a Map 6.
IGN: Zerk 69
Line ID: Nate.Woods
Map 6, baby, let's go!
Zerk 69
Zerk 69