Suicide Masteries Question

Looking for some input...
I’m debating on investing in the suicide masteries. I grind arena quite often just for units and have yet to attempt Act 6 or any Variant content.
My current setup is full Deep Wounds and Assasin along with all the other go-to basics. I already have Willpower fully unlocked from way back in the day, so I won’t need any cores for that.
My question is, will the full suicide masteries help at all over my current setup with the content I have yet to explore and would the suicide PI boost be a significant increase over my current setup?
I’m debating on investing in the suicide masteries. I grind arena quite often just for units and have yet to attempt Act 6 or any Variant content.
My current setup is full Deep Wounds and Assasin along with all the other go-to basics. I already have Willpower fully unlocked from way back in the day, so I won’t need any cores for that.
My question is, will the full suicide masteries help at all over my current setup with the content I have yet to explore and would the suicide PI boost be a significant increase over my current setup?
You have 3 bleeders. Running suicides would mean taking points off Deep Wounds or Assassin, because you would only have 6 points available to these masteries.
I like suicides and even when my team to tackle act 5 was Yondu, Hulk, Hawkeye and Luke Cage, I had them. I like the attack boost, it makes fights end faster, which means less mistakes. However, in your case, especially using AA and Gwenpool, I think it would be better to stick to your current masteries, because you want those bleeds to last long.
Anyway, better wait to see what others have to say.
I figured I would be sacrificing points from Deep Wounds and Assasin. But if the increased attack balanced it out along with Increased PI for arena it might be worth it. goal is to grind for units with the least amount of effort, but also be able to clear difficult content.