Who’s next to R5? Namor, CAIW, Void or Aegon?

Sanders20Sanders20 Member Posts: 20
Currently have Blade, Omega Red, Sparky, Domino, Corvus, Sym Supreme at R5. I’ve completed LOL, Variant 2 & 3. Still need to do Variant 1 and Act 6 both chapters. Currently have 4 T5 basics and 15 t4 alphas. Namor, CAIW, Void and Aegon all awakened and sig 200. Don’t play AW so don’t need them for that.


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    That’s a tough one, I’d say stay away from void since he does his job at r4, for act 6 aegon and cap would probably be the best. And for variant cap and void would be the best, personally I’d say cap is the number 1 choice then namor 2nd, also if you have t fully explored lol, which I assume you haven’t, aegon can breeze through it at rank 5, if it were me I’d go cap and namor, but I’d say you could take up any of them, but cap is the main priority, I know this is worded terribly and rambles on a ton, hope you get what I’m saying
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    I don't necessarily disagree with Lvernon. None of your options are bad. But if you have a KM, void also becomes an absolute beast because of his huge health pool. He gets an insane amount of regeneration every fight with that synergy. He is great for AQ and questing. I've taken him through several fights of LOL without having to use any health potions. A more skilled player could probably do better. Brian Grant used that synergy and almost completed an itemless LOL run.
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