over 25 bugs in act 6.2.5/6 that ive encountered in the past 24 hours

ive encountered over 25 bugs in act 6.2.5 and 5.2.6 in the last 24 hours everything from the health not switching in the health switch node (name of the node i forget) to intercepts adding charges in quest 5s global but this one takes the cake. the champion is activating his unstoppable buff while under the effects of a slow debuff. this spidermans slow debuff works some places but the key places you want it to work like aspect of war in aw and here in boss fights it doesnt work. the icon of unstoppable appears and once he hits 70% health you cant fight him as any contact while unstoppable is active leaves you stunned. thats exactly what happened here. just to be clear he isnt actually unstoppable just the icon appears and the i on triggers his stun upon contact while hes between 70-40% health or whatever. the game is so overun with bugs right now that im literally encountering them one every 3 fights on average in act 6.2

But yeh, better do a list of what you think is wrong. If possible with screenshots or videos