Best champs/synergies for Efficient Potion Farming (ROL WS).

Hi folks, I was wondering if you could help me out finding a) the best champ, b) its synergy team and c) if any specific style/combo of fighting, for efficient potion farming on Mcoc's favourite guinea pig. I have a limited roster but enough 3*/4* for synergies. Here's my available top damage dealers:
- Corvus 4/55 (Assuming not useful for ROL? Tho he's dupped - has anyone every try to burn the glaves before 30s for a shorter cooldown or is this far-fetched?)
- Domino 4/55
- Venom 4/55
- Medusa 5/50
- Starky 5/50
- Blade 5/50
- Cap IW 5/50
- Void 5/50 (I reckon not that greater damage like the others but maybe with the fear of void always on and then sp2?)
Other 4*'s options : OR (dup), Quake, Cap Marvel movie (dup), Aegon (dup), SS.
Other 5* options : Angela, Proxima (duped!), Carnage.
Extra question: Do you think it's worth going to Cap Marvel, and do the 2 fights, or just restart for WS over and over?
Thanks in advance
- Corvus 4/55 (Assuming not useful for ROL? Tho he's dupped - has anyone every try to burn the glaves before 30s for a shorter cooldown or is this far-fetched?)
- Domino 4/55
- Venom 4/55
- Medusa 5/50
- Starky 5/50
- Blade 5/50
- Cap IW 5/50
- Void 5/50 (I reckon not that greater damage like the others but maybe with the fear of void always on and then sp2?)
Other 4*'s options : OR (dup), Quake, Cap Marvel movie (dup), Aegon (dup), SS.
Other 5* options : Angela, Proxima (duped!), Carnage.
Extra question: Do you think it's worth going to Cap Marvel, and do the 2 fights, or just restart for WS over and over?
Thanks in advance

I used to farm with a 5/50 AA, then switched to a 4/55 AA if you get lucky on bleed procs... Can kill WS in 80-90 hits then back out and restart.
However now I'm using r5 5* Thing with the Champion, hela, angela, heimdall synergy. He's so fast that I actually just run the entire quest start to finish with just him.
Will give a go to stark sipdey SP2s and for Doms, should I go the incinerate route or the critical bleeds? Or both? lol
OR could be a contender if you run suicides but i don't have him as a 5star and haven't personally tested. Corvus unfortunately isn't viable since it will take too long and you ll need multiple cycles of new charges (tested with 5star r5 corvus and you need almost 3-4 cycles which brings the time to like 4m+ while the aforementioned domino team at 6star r2 averages 1m15s). Above times are with suicides on btw.
I did try the obvious massacre+rhulk however never occurred to me to add Sinister/Cable in the mix. I randomly added a couple others from the synergy but seen no substantial difference. All makes sense re: Sp2 vs Sp3 + Sp1 to refresh bleeds! Higher bleed chance! I didn't even knew it grew stronger and actually find it easier to integrate with the parry/heavy style.
Re: OR I don't run suicides, and I guess he needs high sig so he'll stay in the bench for now. Thanks for the stats on Corvus as well... gosh! ... that's a big no no. Mine is R4 and no suicides so it would take forever. I'm guessing that in general ramp up champs won't make much sense for ROL potion farming anyway.
Maybe the exception is Proxima? I was considering using her after a couple videos on her specials damage after building up the missions. But then also thought that the mental/focus effort required to build them has more margin for errors, requires more skill which takes some time ...which in turn defeats the purpose (get in/out effortless). Just curious if the damage output justifies wasting the time in that ramp up. Ever tried with her?
Edit: To answer your second question, WS over and over.
Team: Domino, Red Hulk (I don't use the heavy that much so this can be switched for someone else), Masacre, OML (or Sabertooth), DPXF.
Do MLM MLLLM from parries, bait sp1 and take the two projectile hits to try and get a bleed (if you have the Bleed suicide mastery, you don't need to do this). Then spam sp2. Watch all that bleed damage; it's beautiful.
My four star unawakened Rank 3 Level 25 did Winter Soldier in 300 hits.
Make sure Red Hulk and Massacre are on your team.
@Etjama I do, I use my 3* rhulk/massacre. Was curious if the other two slots can be filled with someone that will help further making the fight faster. I'm going to try Sinister and Cable as @Nimor suggested above. I wasn't even aware of this synergy. Just had a look and reads like this:Adding Mister Sinister with Cable activates the 'Genetic Masterpiece' synergy bonus where All Mutants randomly start the fight with either +25% passive Attack Rating, +25% passive Power Rate, or +25% passive Armor Rating.
So I reckon that the combo Doms + Rhulk/Massacre/Sinister/Cable must be a bomb! Especially if you get that passive attack.
@Mathking13 wait what? Am I reading correctly here that you saying for Doms to take the bleed and spam sp2? PLEASE more detail you defo got my attention!
@mufix very interesting, the synergy with NF and Deadpool! I reckon that all alone this is extra 30% attack (20 from dead NF and 10 from deadpool's non-female) and I like as well that it doesn't matter the attack style u go for. I forgot Doms was a "Hero" champ. Was also reading about the other Heimdall/Hela option but this is slightly less on 15%. Seems like mathematically, NF+Deadpool is the way to go
About restarting or going to cm it's a close call. My average kill time on cm is a bit higher than ws like +10-15secs but her sps are less annoying and the fight feels a bit better so i usually go ws cm then restart.
Would be curious to see a Hall of fame of beating WS LOL. Champ / Synergy / Time
Cheers all
Just wondering if any of you happen to have sunspot + cable (or warlock) and tried the New Mutants synergy to boost (if any) Doms potion farming team. It reads like this:
Mutant Champions: Ability Accuracy is increased by 30% during Special Attacks. Increased to up to 60% based on Sunspot’s Signature level.
Wondering if Doms critical damage bleeds etc can be further enhanced with this? I guess it's no good for the incinerate trinity as this only applies to specials but not sure how this would affect her. Thoughts?