AW Question: Poison Inflicting Node

Random question folks, do you know what's the interaction if you place a duped iceman in the AW node that inflicts poison every 7s? (first section, far left, mid lane).
Not sure if getting this right but does this mean any champ will get interactive damage mandatory whether this is either from poison or coldsnap? If not mistaken, the only exception I can think about (double immunity to these 2) is Mephisto.
Not sure if getting this right but does this mean any champ will get interactive damage mandatory whether this is either from poison or coldsnap? If not mistaken, the only exception I can think about (double immunity to these 2) is Mephisto.
In higher tiers there is an extra node that has additional effects if the attacker is a robot and will cause more issues etc..
Again, the defender won't matter at all. Iceman wouldn't do better there than most any other non-poison champs.
Well, hope that my language drama and all your explanations at least clear other people like me that struggle to understand these nodes.
ROTFL @PantherusNZ that's actually genius! Aren't you a sneaky one