Angela and psylocke should have bleed.

They both use swords as their basic primary attack method, Angela even whips out an axe in her s3. I don't know if psylocke has the same error in common sense but if so she could use it.
Even if it's a very low activation rate it should still be there. If Ultrons fists can make you bleed then these girls need some new swords.
Even if it's a very low activation rate it should still be there. If Ultrons fists can make you bleed then these girls need some new swords.
Needing it's besides the point. If you have swords and use them for basic attacks you should be inflicting bleed. With the amount of requests for GR, Iceman and dorm's resistances to be changed this concept is a no brainer to me.
It's not as if Kabam couldn't easily limit the bleeds to 1 stack, or alter how and when a bleeding attack is activated. DW or not it can't be that difficult to balance it out. I did agree with you though, Kabam won't do it but I doubt balance has much to do with it.
If someone has a weapon, they should inflict bleed.
If someone has exposed skin or skin that is 'soft', tgey should be able to bleed easier than someone like Hulk or someone in armor or a suit.
To make stronger enemies bleed should be special weapons like, asguardian weapons etc. Materials stronger than that they are attacking.
The point really is to make bleeding more dynamic dependant on who the two competitors are.
Gwenpool vs Hulk.
Hulk Should bleed but only lightly. But then,
Wolverine vs Iron Man.
Wolverine should make IronMan bleer easily but at a lower dps.
She's incrediblely complicated, mostly when it comes to her passives. But I would say yes. If you happen to awaken her she's the cosmic equivalent to an anti-mystic. Her buffs are strong and you get a guaranteed critical on a heavy attack.. she has almost unlimited Regen. But if you don't want to deal with figuring her out then no.
That's a pretty good answer imo. Always agreed that it's dumb for them to carry foam light sabers and axes from walmart