Persistent Charge when finishing a match

After CG is evaded or autoblocked during a match, if he kills the opponent using a heavy or SP he does not start the following match with that charge. I think this should be corrected based on the language in the description. He is supposed to receive a charge after using a heavy or SP attach to knock down an opponent that used evade or autoblock. When CG finishes off a match using a heavy or SP, the defender is knocked down and out at the same time. However, no charges appear during the subsequent match.

This should be fixed by your owns rules.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The defender is just knocked out, not knocked down. The moment you defeat him matter's, since he can't be knocked down after knocked out
  • ProfessorXXLProfessorXXL Member Posts: 8
    Have you ever finished a heavy or SP with CG and the defender not be knocked down? The point is that both events are occurring simultaneously, but we are not given credit for the knock down because of the knock out.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The knock out happens first. After that, nothing else can happen in the battle, so the knock down isn't registered
  • ProfessorXXLProfessorXXL Member Posts: 8
    The language should be rewritten then, because according to the language a charge should be issued. The defender is knocked down. It doesn't matter if it happens before or after the knockout, the defender is ALWAYS knocked down.

    What do I know? Words don't matter...
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    Think they want some skill/luck to be involved with achieving this charge for Corvus.

    For example, against OG Spiderman, he has 3 chances to evade Corvus' Heavy Attack (3-part attack). If Spidey is near death ther is no skill in doing Parry-Heavy and getting it to successfully knock him down if he becomes dead upon the 1st blow of the Hevy.
    You are being tested to see if you can knock him down without an Evade during all 3 parts of the heavy (the Parry does not last that entire time), within the duration of the fight. Even if that means attempting Heavy several times without actually killing him first along the way.

    Similarly, saving up an SP for a final blow is no skill/luck involved either.
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