Should ib As title states. Also, is it possible to reach level 60 if i 100 act 4? Look at my level. Thank you! Ps just awakened by Hyperion from a ultimate crystal!
You might need a 5/50 or 3/45 before you can explore act 4 as the chip damage from Chaos node and block damages your champions will suffer is going to cost to quite a bit of potions when doing the long paths.
I would try out Act 5 first just in case your skill level is higher than I give you credit for but i would try to get a couple r5s before going after UC. It is possible with 4/40 though. You seem to have been making the right choices in terms of rankups so I won't give u advice on that. Just rank more or less any of your tops
If you find u can't handle 5.1, I would start at the Maestro quest and work backwards
Definitely go for Uncollected before 100% act 4 if you can. but to the OP, I just want to say you might want to get a 5/50 champ first. I'd say Hyperion for the collector isn't a bad option. Or Sparky if you can play him well (note this is coming from a guy who's horrible at playing sparky... but who has seen how hard he can wreck)
You might need a 5/50 or 3/45 before you can explore act 4 as the chip damage from Chaos node and block damages your champions will suffer is going to cost to quite a bit of potions when doing the long paths.
I'd say Voodoo would be very helpful for dealing with that though. That regen (which, because his voodoo is awakened, will probably heal around 20-25% max health at the start of each fight) will be super helpful for getting through those long paths.
I don’t know actually if you can get level 60 Very close most definitely I’d do as much of act 5 as you can get to test the waters But definitely do the EQ 100% as much as you can 100 act 4 is such a pain and hassle
I would do a little exploring in Act 4 with xp boosts until you hit level 50. At that point you will almost have max energy so your refills are more valuable and in addition the amount of xp it takes to level up drastically increases from that point forward. After that see how much progress you can make towards becoming Uncollected.
Throw on xp boosts and explore act 4 You'll struggle in act 5 with those champ levels, looking at your pi you need to sort your masteries before act 5 too and more levels will help that with more mastery points
If you are ftp then complete act 4,else buy 1 odin vault and buy 75% xp from store which it will last for 3 days and use remaining money on engery refill.
If you find u can't handle 5.1, I would start at the Maestro quest and work backwards
but to the OP, I just want to say you might want to get a 5/50 champ first. I'd say Hyperion for the collector isn't a bad option. Or Sparky if you can play him well (note this is coming from a guy who's horrible at playing sparky... but who has seen how hard he can wreck)
You'll struggle in act 5 with those champ levels, looking at your pi you need to sort your masteries before act 5 too and more levels will help that with more mastery points