Mcoc for almost 4 years.

CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85
I started playing shortly after my birthday approximately 4 yrs ago, I bought my first smart phone ( yes, I was that behind) and downloaded my first game. Marvel: Contest of champions!
This was before alliances; it was raw and solo, but as time passed it grew like crazy! Alliances came, then eventually war ( my alliance was chosen for beta war!) which brought such a crazy dynamic to the game! Before that was alliance quest of course, which started my love for this game.
My first alliance was ok, but fizzled out because I was not a great leader.
My second alliance however, (Be The) Revolution, was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in a video game in my entire life. I spent hours playing and talking via Line chat with 20-30( about 10 who came and went, but still friendly) of the kindest human beings I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Some I talked to outside of the game and became good friends with.
So at this point I’m gushing, I’ll wrap it up; as many times as I’ve wanted to hate this game because of some change or what have you, I've thought back to that alliance and the amazing friends I made there and only one thing comes to mind: thank you every last person who created this game. From the top of this massive corporation to the ftp players; thank you for this experience.
- Crispyfried for life. :)


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    Yeah I've make RL friends through this game as well.

    So long as you can be happy with how you need to play the the game to suit your life (money vs time vs progress) then you can enjoy the game quite happily.

    I left for about a year but have come back and am loving the game all over again!
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    So are you still at the 2nd alliance, or have you moved onto your 3rd? If you've moved, what happened at the 2nd alliance?
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,138 ★★★★★
    I myself am on my 3rd alliance now. Made real life friends in all 3. First 2 everyone decided they had enough and retired mostly a few are still around but nowhere near as active as once upon a time.
  • CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85

    So are you still at the 2nd alliance, or have you moved onto your 3rd? If you've moved, what happened at the 2nd alliance?

    Well, to be honest I and a few other members decided to split off and join another alliance, while others stayed in the original to create a training ground for lower level players. After they gained more experience, they would be moved to the second alliance. Sadly, that backfired and we all became complacent about the new alliance. Most of us outright quit, while others split and joined other allies. I decided to continue after a break, but this time completely solo. I only complete eq and special events now.
    But still, after all that, I still enjoy the game and talk to old team mates to this day.
    And yes, at times there was drama and arguments, I remember setting an alarm for 3am to play alliance war/quest. Using real cash occasionally to boost a brother/sister to get the next node down. But all in all, I still actually can say I enjoy playing. I’ve never played any game this long consistently. Picked up and replayed? Sure, but never this consistently.
  • CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85

    Yeah I've make RL friends through this game as well.

    So long as you can be happy with how you need to play the the game to suit your life (money vs time vs progress) then you can enjoy the game quite happily.

    I left for about a year but have come back and am loving the game all over again!

    Couldn’t agree more, it’s all about balance! And to pick up an old game again and actually enjoy it is really a testament to its appeal.
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    @Crispy Great post, thanks for sharing! I was in a small Alliance for a while where we just did AQ not AW. Not very engaging. Left them and joined a much larger and more active Alliance and it has increased my enjoyment of the game for sure. I am active in AQ and AW whenever I can and clicking that Help button ALOT.

    Definitely enjoying AQ more and AW alot and like the banter we have going using Discord to ask "hey can you take that node out so i can progress" and so on.

    Having a good / engaged Leader and Officers goes a long way as well.
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