Is Dr. Octopus any good unduped?

I have enough shards to go for the featured 5* but I'm having a hard time figuring out if he's really worth it. If any of you who pulled his 4* have any thoughts I would love to hear them.
That's what I was worried about. I really like his synergies though
His power lock is actually much more useful and procs on power gain for you and opponent.
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you don't have Doc Oc. His ability to power lock unduped is awesome and allows you to completely control champs like Magik and Hyperion. How exactly is that "pretty average of worse"?
How so....not understand really good what his synergy means. So when get hit and he glances, he reflects ( give back) 40% dammage to you?
Yep, similar to thorns node, imagine that antman on enhanced abilities or thorns...u would die pretty fast, especially cuz there're no champs can reduce his glancing
Yes that's exactly what happens. I'll have to do some testing to confirm, but currently there is no way to bypass AMs glancing ability. BW, electra, CB, GP... none of the typical ability accuracy reducers work.
This synergy turns him into a mobile thorns node that can't be avoided...
Isn't it weird that AA can't make AM get bleed, poison, neux tho his ability accuracy can't be reduced?
We still don't know if the 40% dmg r based on the glaced hit or the dmg that would be taken without those who r testing this synergy should telk us as i still don't know yet
CB does not completely bypass glancing with 4+ fury (the furies do seem to reduce glancing to some extent though)