which of these 6 stars is most worthy of rank 2 over a beyond god tier 5* to rank 5?

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
I'm in a bit of a dilemma - I have 6 tier 5 basic catalysts. I haven't explored any of the variants yet so I could possibly get 2-3 five star 4-5 rank up gems one day. I have grinded my way to nearly 20 six star champs, but none who are great damage dealers and would be easy rank 3 targets even unduped (ghost, domino, Corvus) .. But I have a lot of beyond god tiers at rank 4: CA IW Max Sig, OR Sig 180, Void Sig 140, Quake Sig 60, AA Sig 200, Domino unawakened, Aegon Max Sig, Blade Sig 20, SL Sig 120, Ghost Sig 100, DV Sig 100, EF Sig 80

which of these 6 stars is most worthy of rank 2 over a beyond god tier 5* to rank 5? 17 votes

Thing (Sig 20)
Stingerbk10or_StrongB_Dizzle_01Maldroit2Thicco_ModeThoye3NightMonkeyNik_860 8 votes
Symbiote Supreme
AKTEKGiodood_1 2 votes
FhfjghhggggjfhfjgKillstryke2Skydad23 3 votes
Dormammu (Sig 20)
None - Save it until you get a really, really good six star champ
spidey31415926_MGP_ 2 votes
None - spend it taking a 5* champ to rank 5 instead
Lvernon15Justin2524 2 votes


  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    None - spend it taking a 5* champ to rank 5 instead
    Your Omega Red (aka GameBreaker) is Sig 180 and is still R4?

    Take him up man, he deserves it.
  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    Thing (Sig 20)
    Only Thing and Warlock (even unawakened), but with that kind of roster I think you should go and melt Variant 1,2 and 3 100% and get those R4-5 gems
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    None - spend it taking a 5* champ to rank 5 instead
    Either ghost or omega are your best options
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Thing (Sig 20)
    I'd say take Thing up, wreck Variant 2 and see which 4 to 5 gem you get. Then go from there. My 5/65 5* Thing is amazing with the full synergy team. I was farming potions in ROL and he took care of Captain Marvel in 43 hits, and that was unboosted with less than ideal RNG during the Champion invulnerable to gain furies.
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