R.I.P. Kevin Doomstadt



  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Sad... Rest In Peace brother, my mom is currently fighting pancreatic cancer now, it’s such a scary thing....
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Actually been struggling really hard with depression this past week, not sure how to deal with it. Feel horrible for Kevs family
  • HoSayHoSay Member Posts: 6
    Just donated, prayers to everyone.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Was this by any chance Dr. Kevin, an engineer from the UK?
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    Rest in Peace. Sorry for the loss to his friends and family.
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  • shashankchromeshashankchrome Member Posts: 84
    Ahitlaw said:

    Actually been struggling really hard with depression this past week, not sure how to deal with it. Feel horrible for Kevs family

    I hope you get better @Ahitlaw :)
    Please do seek therapy from a professional counselor, you never know how much it would help you.
    All I can tell to easy your pain and plight is try being positive at times when all is dark, and never being hopeless about the future. And to remember your friends and family with great memories that you have of them, instead of thinking about the bad ones.
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  • Bladeslasher2002Bladeslasher2002 Member Posts: 35
    Thoughts and prayers 🙏 I know how it feels to lose someone dear to you last year my little sister died of cancer 😢😢
  • ThaBoiProperThaBoiProper Member Posts: 2
    My condolences very sad Rest in paradise
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    My deepest condolences to the family, cancer is a horrible thing
  • DrownedGodDrownedGod Member Posts: 276
    My condolences.

    FWIW, my MCOC 'family's helped me get through some health issues I had last year. These are very real friendships built through a game.

    Keep him in your memories, it's the best legacy he can leave behind, the people that cared for and continue to care about him after he's gone.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Didn't know the fella, but it's a horrible disease that meant that I never got to meet one of my grandmothers so my thoughts go out to his family.

    He's in a better place now <3

    Rest in Peace. Your struggle is over.
  • CommonSenseCommonSense Member Posts: 54
    @Salvy4 hope you guys like the custom avatar, sorry to hear for the loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Assuming he was Christian, the song Home by Chris Tomlin was very encouraging for me when I faced the death of someone close. Maybe someone connected to Kevin's family could share it with them?
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Man, I’m sorry to hear this. Life is short and precious and I’m glad you guys got to spend his final years with him.

    Good luck to you guys and condolences to his family. As a lot of said, cancer sucks, the human body is so fragile, cherish the moments you have now because you never know when you’ll take your last breath.

    RIP brother.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★

    To my fellow summoner and fallen comrade, may you Rest In Peace. You made “LEGEND” in my book, so long buddy. Here is a LINE avatar I made just for you, your teammates and friends and family are welcome to have it.

    I love that.
  • palaboypalaboy Member Posts: 19
    “Dormit in pace.”
  • LSully7LSully7 Member Posts: 3

    To my fellow summoner and fallen comrade, may you Rest In Peace. You made “LEGEND” in my book, so long buddy. Here is a LINE avatar I made just for you, your teammates and friends and family are welcome to have it.

    @CommonSense Dude, this is perfect. Thank you for this. We’re setting this as our LINE group icon for the chat group that we all had together.
  • Pinka1999Pinka1999 Member Posts: 8
    My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Doomstadt because I lost my grandad to cancer 2 years ago and till this day I will always miss my grandad.
  • CommonSenseCommonSense Member Posts: 54
    LSully7 said:

    To my fellow summoner and fallen comrade, may you Rest In Peace. You made “LEGEND” in my book, so long buddy. Here is a LINE avatar I made just for you, your teammates and friends and family are welcome to have it.

    @CommonSense Dude, this is perfect. Thank you for this. We’re setting this as our LINE group icon for the chat group that we all had together.
    No problem bud, I’m glad I could do something in my power to appreciate a fellow comrade in the game, we recently lost a very young player to brain cancer and he is sorely missed by me and the team, not just for the game but because he was a good human being....definitely a sad, sad situation for us all. Me and my crew send out our condolences to Kevin’s families and friends. My LINE ID is frankcyoung...you guys ever need to chat or anything, make sure to look me up. Take an easy fellas, and keep his memory alive...I’m almost certain he would appreciate that 🙂
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 165
    Kevin was one of the first friends I made on this game 5 years ago. He was a fantastic guy. Yes we'd chat about the game, run dungeons together and make fun of each other etc but we'd also have long talks about life in general, offer advice and supported each other in tough times. He was always there...be it a few revives in game or for a chat outside. Someone asked what his favourite character was. Like myself, he was a fellow defender of Star Lord. However, I believe his favourite Marvel characters where the Fantastic 4. It's so nice to see how the community has got to together and supported one another. Thank you for those that have contributed to the fund, shared via YouTube and Facebook, shared memories of Kevin and continue to be there for one another. It was a real shock to many of us as he fought so bravely and appeared to be kicking that terrible disease to the curb. It was inspirational the way he fought it. Lost one of the good ones. R.I.P Kev. You will be sorely missed but not forgotten.
  • Salvy4Salvy4 Member Posts: 84
    @CommonSense thanks for the avatar. Looks great. Thanks to everyone thoughts, prayers, and contribution to his son and family.
  • Lefty0009Lefty0009 Member Posts: 14
    @CommonSense WOW. Thank you for that. Our ally loves it. That’s real solid of you. I know Kev would love that!
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