Corvus's Armor Break Interaction with Physical Resistance

Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Device Operating System: 6.0.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 24.2
Game Mode: All game modes
Champions Affected: Corvus Glaive vs. any Champion which has physical resistance (passive/active) either on Nodes or as Champion abilities
Active Boosts: This occurd with Active Boosts or no boosts.
Description of the Issue: So what happens is when you apply an Armor Break with Corvus to a Champion who has Physical Resistance, Corvus' damage is reduced quite a significant amount, despite his True Damage Buff active.
Device Operating System: 6.0.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 24.2
Game Mode: All game modes
Champions Affected: Corvus Glaive vs. any Champion which has physical resistance (passive/active) either on Nodes or as Champion abilities
Active Boosts: This occurd with Active Boosts or no boosts.
Description of the Issue: So what happens is when you apply an Armor Break with Corvus to a Champion who has Physical Resistance, Corvus' damage is reduced quite a significant amount, despite his True Damage Buff active.
iPhone 8+