Please update the "Items" screen

Hi, I would like to suggest that you update the "Items" screen so that we would see more items up-front.
Before the introduction of the "Summoner Sigil" it was already bad but now it's even worse. On my phone I only see 3 rows of 7 items each only because the space above is taken by labels like "Items", "Tap on an item to use it or..." and the Summoner Sigil ad.
Don't you think it's a bit too much and intrusive? Both first rows of labels could be merged to have the "Tap on an item..." showed under a question mark. As for the Summoner Sigil ad, I believe it could be revamped as well. That screen is a mess to use during events like "Item use" since it scrolls back up everytime you use a signature stone for example.
Thanks for considering it!
Before the introduction of the "Summoner Sigil" it was already bad but now it's even worse. On my phone I only see 3 rows of 7 items each only because the space above is taken by labels like "Items", "Tap on an item to use it or..." and the Summoner Sigil ad.
Don't you think it's a bit too much and intrusive? Both first rows of labels could be merged to have the "Tap on an item..." showed under a question mark. As for the Summoner Sigil ad, I believe it could be revamped as well. That screen is a mess to use during events like "Item use" since it scrolls back up everytime you use a signature stone for example.
Thanks for considering it!