Question about Masochism

I would like some clarification about the mechanics of the Masochism node.
As i understand it, each time the opponent has a debuff, it is cancelled and it heal a percentage of its health. Masochism goes into cool down for 7 seconds
So if Void put a debuff it is immediately cancelled but other debuff arriving during the cool down stay.
There are some fights on node 26 where if you have one debuff of intimidating presence (let's say petrify but it the same with the two others) put on the opponent, if the second petrify arrives with the masochism ready, it cancelled all the petrify debuff instead of of cancelling only the arriving one !
The same happen when fighting King groot and it cancel a debuff with its fury. it cancel all the debuff of the same type instead of only cancelling the arriving one !
Is the Masochism node, and any debuff cancelling effect, is supposed to work like this or is this a bug ?
Oh and the cancelling of all same debuff is not automatic ! some time only the arriving one is cancelled. i even had intimidating debuff cancelled but the Fear of the void did come without problem even if the 6 intimidating debuff were not here... little bit weird and not logic at all
I would like some clarification about the mechanics of the Masochism node.
As i understand it, each time the opponent has a debuff, it is cancelled and it heal a percentage of its health. Masochism goes into cool down for 7 seconds
So if Void put a debuff it is immediately cancelled but other debuff arriving during the cool down stay.
There are some fights on node 26 where if you have one debuff of intimidating presence (let's say petrify but it the same with the two others) put on the opponent, if the second petrify arrives with the masochism ready, it cancelled all the petrify debuff instead of of cancelling only the arriving one !
The same happen when fighting King groot and it cancel a debuff with its fury. it cancel all the debuff of the same type instead of only cancelling the arriving one !
Is the Masochism node, and any debuff cancelling effect, is supposed to work like this or is this a bug ?
Oh and the cancelling of all same debuff is not automatic ! some time only the arriving one is cancelled. i even had intimidating debuff cancelled but the Fear of the void did come without problem even if the 6 intimidating debuff were not here... little bit weird and not logic at all
Let's say you armor break in between the timer and then armor break and activate masochism. Both breaks will be removed.
If you armor break someone like HTD or RS, all the armor breaks will be removed if masochism triggers.
It removes 1 debuff not 1 stack.
The node is working ad intended. The whole debuff is remove as stated in the node description: