A tough choice

Riot1234Riot1234 Member Posts: 44
I have a rank up choice which is very hard to make.
I have to rank 4 Massacre or Sparky.
The thing is I run Domino a lot and Massacre is a core part of the trinity and he also benefits largely.
I run Sparky alone although i do have a Ghost Rider at rank 4 but no Blade. :(
Please give your inputs


  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,879 ★★★★★
  • BlackJ4zzBlackJ4zz Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Sparky has much more DMG than Massacre and is one of the best champs in the game and He most definitely doesn't need Blade as what he does for Sparky is give him 3 poise charges at the start of the fight.
    Again its up to you
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    I personally agree with @BlackJ4zz and would go Sparky. He has crazy damage and amazing utility. Definetely one of the best in the game. Massacre can support Domino with or without the Rank 4 and I would say Red Hulk is the main champ Domino needs with her anyways. It's ultimately your decision though of course. If you pretty much use Domino for everything you do, Massacre may very well be the better choice.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I have both 5* r5 and use them a lot...Stark is definitely the better champ but it's not as big a gap as most would say when you run Masacre with Domino and Stark w/o Blade. GR and Stark don't have any synergy.
  • DrownedGodDrownedGod Member Posts: 276
    I find Domino incredibly beneficial to use in monthly EQs all the time, without synergies even. Shes been an MVP thus far this month against Black Widow (one more fight there remaining).

    Masaccre is cool and definitely brings some benefits... but Sparky would be my clear choice.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Sparky is much much better than massacre
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