Mutant Rank 5 Assistance

BhopBhop Member Posts: 35
Just finished exploring variant 3 and got the 2016 r3 to r4 and general r4 to r5 both in mutant forms. I have Omega Red r5 sig 200 atm as my primary mutant.

I'm considering taking Archangel r5 and using a generic AG on him or ranking awakened Sabretooth for Omega synergy, unawakened Iceman, Mister Sinister (would have to rank from R1) or awakened Old man Logan after waiting for buff details. What y'all think and preferably why?

Mutant Rank 5 Assistance 13 votes

Archangel with Generic AG
CtuchikPastorAmericaMrEndgame 3 votes
Wait for Old Man Logan buff
AanthoEtjamaThe_WatcherThoye3 4 votes
Bear3NightMonkey 2 votes
Mister Sinister from R1
Maldroit2MatiEspinoza 2 votes
Ignore all and wait for Domino or something
Lvernon15Fhfjghhggggjfhfjg 2 votes


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Ignore all and wait for Domino or something
    None of the above are worth 5-65 in my opinion, aa does his job at r4 and the rest just aren’t good enough chanps
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    LOL .. someone actually chose 'wait for Old Man Logan'? He ain't gonna be that OP bro.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    I voted for sabertooth for one simple reason. OMEGA. If you heavily use omega like I do them sabertooth is well worth the 5/65. But bear if he’s mainly for synergy rank doesn’t matter right? Theoretically yes... however. I take omega into most content.. EQ, story, AQ, AW.. and sabertooth really makes omega beast mode. So if I’m gonna have sabertooth on my team it’s only hurting my team to have a lower ranked sabertooth. Might as well have the best TEAM you can. So I took my my sabertooth to 5/65 and have no regrets. Omega rips through content and have an extra 5/65 mutant with bleed, fury, cold snap immune etc as well. See these people running ghost with **** level wasps and it’s just silly. Sure if you clear everything with ghost, great. Then I see them lose their ghost though and they have no backup, and their either done or reviving and healing. If you bring synergy all the time might as well make them top level.

  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    edited September 2019

    LOL .. someone actually chose 'wait for Old Man Logan'? He ain't gonna be that OP bro.

    He was a beast at 5/65 in the beta. Both he and Colossus would be worthy IMO if their buffs end up like the beta test.
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