Predictions for Nick Fury

FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,694 ★★★★★
What would be a reasonable target to aim for in the Nick Fury basic arena? He’s a desirable champ so I’d imagine higher than usual. Should we aim for the 3million mark?


  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Hard to say as many people might be going for the special premium arenas .. 3m seems like a safe bet though.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    somewhere in the 3-4 range. Depends on how many people get in the pool of course. The more people who just qualify for rank rewards, the bigger that 1-10% reward range will be
  • SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
    3.8mil and youll for sure get him
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