do you agree with the rebalancing of champions?

this rebalancing thing literally goes against the companies economic model of people spending money every two weeks when a champion comes out. think about it like this. why would you spend money to get a champion that will be changed if they are too good only to have that champion nerfed. literally makes little sense to buy something that could be changed at any time. as for the other side of bumping up champions abilities lets be realistic they still wont be great champions after theyre buffed thats how kabam does it.
do you agree with the rebalancing of champions? 88 votes
Live with it
Mods please shut down the thread.
Your best bet is to stop spending period!
I don’t have 5* cull obsidian yet I can understand how some owners’ frustration about the the rebalancing. Many players spent resources in upgrading and such “rebalancing” is not fair without proper compensation.
I think rebalancing should be focusing on old champs, with the goal to make old champ “playable” under the current game context. Quick adjustment of new champs only illustrate how unthoughtful of the game developing team.
Version 12.0 upgrade is still a wound in many long time players’ mind.
I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.
Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.
I just want them to back there product.
I don’t know any other business that can honestly say they don’t back there product and continue to survive
You want to make so many tweaks, then RDT are a necessity for your mistakes(Nobrainer), said wont appear again but whatd ya know (SH) (looking Stoops AF) ie(SymbioteSup descrip lol, She-Hulk combo in to heavy, Cull Ob damage output? did you even test him properly before release, Medusa changes, Pathetic AA now). What about the outdated garbage heroes? does need more work
Rebalancing is needed on those continuously poppoing unstoppables evey where,it is needed on 70% unusable champs that just sits and some even makes u loose ur points in arena because they r so garbadge ,arena fights take 120 hits to finish.
Yeh Rebalance is needed on many aspect of games not just some OP attacker that makes loose deveopers a few bucks
I have not been tempted by an offer since July 4th, mainly bcuz any champ's abilities can be nerfed at ANY time. 🤯😇🤯