do you agree with the rebalancing of champions?

bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
edited September 2019 in General Discussion
this rebalancing thing literally goes against the companies economic model of people spending money every two weeks when a champion comes out. think about it like this. why would you spend money to get a champion that will be changed if they are too good only to have that champion nerfed. literally makes little sense to buy something that could be changed at any time. as for the other side of bumping up champions abilities lets be realistic they still wont be great champions after theyre buffed thats how kabam does it.

do you agree with the rebalancing of champions? 88 votes

yes i like rebalancing i like not knowing if a new champ i get will be changed in 6 months
GroundedWisdomKDoggg2017MagrailothosCassyThesurvivlistCharlie_SceneChuck_Canuck75DarthPhalPrathapBattle_GreninjaHotFondue1520ItsDamienCtuchikKalantakMarri_2Justin2524 16 votes
no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
DalBotChadhoganTimone147Willjackson16NinjAlanSpity68Riise81INTEGRALNew_Noob168AhongbryndenriversTerraSolrac_2HeadrollerLvernon15SiddhantKwatraHSenpaiCropDusterKillgore19Mixalis 64 votes
it doesnt matter im already quitting this game
trey92008Nojokejaymtkhan08BenLucasLoctiteSuperGlueNamelessoneVOLK1902renatosouza 8 votes


  • Elad17Elad17 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Ok here is my two cents. I’m ok with rebalancing. It provides more useable champs in other areas of the game other than arena. So I am all for it. Keep in mind the last great buffs they did were venom and carnage. Not to mention red hulk and Luke cage I use those champs daily for tons of quests
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    I believe what they release is what they release
    Live with it
  • HeadrollerHeadroller Member Posts: 255
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    Neotwism said:

    Wow, kinda biased choices you put in the poll. Nobody is forcing u to buy featured crystals with all the newest champs. I wait a week to do new quests till all the bugs and kinks are worked out. Now, i wont go after new champs until they r in the basic pool. It will save me money.

    Don’t feel so established in your ways. Cull is in the basic pool and he is getting adjusted.

    Your best bet is to stop spending period!
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Other than launching a new champ, grab the money and then rebalancing. Kabam should slow down launching 2 new champs per month and think/test thoroughly before launch.

    I don’t have 5* cull obsidian yet I can understand how some owners’ frustration about the the rebalancing. Many players spent resources in upgrading and such “rebalancing” is not fair without proper compensation.

    I think rebalancing should be focusing on old champs, with the goal to make old champ “playable” under the current game context. Quick adjustment of new champs only illustrate how unthoughtful of the game developing team.

    Version 12.0 upgrade is still a wound in many long time players’ mind.
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  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    yes i like rebalancing i like not knowing if a new champ i get will be changed in 6 months
    I will say that your descriptions behind the 'yes' and 'no' already give away that you don't like it and that you are looking for angry rant agreement more than a reliable poll.

    I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.

    Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.
  • XdonreXdonre Member Posts: 158
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    I don't agree w/ the rebalancing of recent champs because it inadvertently shows a lack of quality control & proper QA testing... IMO the purpose of rebalancing should primarily used to modify older champs to make them more viable for the current meta of the game... Kabam's blatant exploitation of summoners by marketing & selling new products that they have concerns regarding their production-readiness should be addressed prior to launching the product... Kabam's past actions of implementing & than modifying those products after launch to benefit their bottom-line is unacceptable … if Kabam was truly concerned about the player -base being negatively impacted by champions being too OP for certain content they would revisit that content and modify appropriately... the consumer should not be punished for poorly tested products placed on the market... just my thoughts.
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    edited September 2019
    I really don’t care if Kabam test there champs or not
    I just want them to back there product.
    I don’t know any other business that can honestly say they don’t back there product and continue to survive
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    I agree with buffing useless champs and neefing completely op champs, but not after their arenas and crystals since that just makes players not want to open crystals or grind and makes it so we can’t feel safe opening ft crystals or ranking champs up, testing should be done before all the sales
  • GehGeh Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2019
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    The lack of communucation and transparency is like a sad sack of fecal matter. Pro company tweaks come in quick but pro player fix takes.... ?

    You want to make so many tweaks, then RDT are a necessity for your mistakes(Nobrainer), said wont appear again but whatd ya know (SH) (looking Stoops AF) ie(SymbioteSup descrip lol, She-Hulk combo in to heavy, Cull Ob damage output? did you even test him properly before release, Medusa changes, Pathetic AA now). What about the outdated garbage heroes? does need more work

  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    yes i like rebalancing i like not knowing if a new champ i get will be changed in 6 months
    Rebalancing is needed but before they sell the crystals for that specific character showing how much damage he could do or how amazing utilities he has like he doesnt take any indirect damage reflected or how much insane regen he has or how much absolutely broken a specific champ is that it sometimes inflicts 20k bleeds and 50k incinerate with just 1 heavy and cant b stunned and it makes your core mechanic of game fail and evades and deals insane amount of damage on block normaly and just kill u with 1 blocked special with ultra garbadge defence tactics ,u have to rely on RNg ,30 other guys in war relys on ur RNg tht ur not unlucky n "she" wont kill u for no fault of your own.
    Rebalancing is needed on those continuously poppoing unstoppables evey where,it is needed on 70% unusable champs that just sits and some even makes u loose ur points in arena because they r so garbadge ,arena fights take 120 hits to finish.
    Yeh Rebalance is needed on many aspect of games not just some OP attacker that makes loose deveopers a few bucks
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    yes i like rebalancing i like not knowing if a new champ i get will be changed in 6 months
    A balanced game has a healthy future. But Kabam's execution has been so tone deaf to the playerbase that the only thing they have rebalanced so far... is MY WALLET! 😂🤪😂
    I have not been tempted by an offer since July 4th, mainly bcuz any champ's abilities can be nerfed at ANY time. 🤯😇🤯
  • KittytamerKittytamer Member Posts: 25
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    Marri_2 said:

    I will say that your descriptions behind the 'yes' and 'no' already give away that you don't like it and that you are looking for angry rant agreement more than a reliable poll.

    I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.

    Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.

    Marri_2 said:

    I will say that your descriptions behind the 'yes' and 'no' already give away that you don't like it and that you are looking for angry rant agreement more than a reliable poll.

    I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.

    Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.

    But the point is they should tell us that this is the parameter of the game! So people can actually hold off on ranking their new champs. Not this sudden decision to do so. This game is about making good decisions on who to get and who to rank up, we really have to make good frictions since resources are scarce. Now there’s always a fear that your next R5 will be nerfed. They really need revisit their older champs and make them more on par with the game...
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    Which is why i don't buy crystals.
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  • BenLucasBenLucas Member Posts: 69
    it doesnt matter im already quitting this game
    *Dr. Strange weeps in a corner*
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    It only implies, that they don't test champs before releasing them
  • Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Can't vote, choices are biased. (would have voted yes otherwise but not with this wording)
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Yes, I agree with rebalancing champs. If they do not do that when they need to we will see another 12.0 style nerf,. they cannot keep bringing up the power of all under powered champs if they keep creating over powered champs. I will not add to the poll due to the skewed nature of the questions.
  • XdonreXdonre Member Posts: 158
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    The major issue I have w/ the whole "rebalancing" terminology is that there is a major difference between reviewing previously released content and assessing if that content is functioning as expected in the current meta of the game versus releasing newer content that have known issues & than modifying that content after you have likely generated your forecasted income... in addition to blindly support any business that have historically shown that they do not possess the foresight to understand how new or enhanced content will impact their product is not reasonable … as one poster alluded to "...we will see another 12.0" well my concern is what guarantee do you have that Kabam will not roll-out another similar upgrade... the answer is you do not.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    no i dont agree with rebalancing it defeats the purpose if buying new champion crystals
    Rebalancing is fine. The problem is if you bought $$$$ into something expecting a product and they change the product from under you
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Xdonre said:

    The major issue I have w/ the whole "rebalancing" terminology is that there is a major difference between reviewing previously released content and assessing if that content is functioning as expected in the current meta of the game versus releasing newer content that have known issues & than modifying that content after you have likely generated your forecasted income... in addition to blindly support any business that have historically shown that they do not possess the foresight to understand how new or enhanced content will impact their product is not reasonable … as one poster alluded to "...we will see another 12.0" well my concern is what guarantee do you have that Kabam will not roll-out another similar upgrade... the answer is you do not.

    There is none, but by balancing the game in smaller doses as needed they minimize that effect. Also in terms of this type of game a lack of foresight is pretty reasonable, as there has been no way in the industry to get such foresight.
  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    yes i like rebalancing i like not knowing if a new champ i get will be changed in 6 months

    Marri_2 said:

    I will say that your descriptions behind the 'yes' and 'no' already give away that you don't like it and that you are looking for angry rant agreement more than a reliable poll.

    I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.

    Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.

    Marri_2 said:

    I will say that your descriptions behind the 'yes' and 'no' already give away that you don't like it and that you are looking for angry rant agreement more than a reliable poll.

    I like rebalancing. Within 3 months they make a decision, so all you have to do is wait 3 months to max em out. That's not so long. And balance changes just need to happen in games like this.

    Another approach would be to rank up an OP champ and exploit their abilities for 3 months and enjoy the perks of having them early, so you can KO more content than anyone who gets them later. See this as a very good reason to buy them early.

    But the point is they should tell us that this is the parameter of the game! So people can actually hold off on ranking their new champs. Not this sudden decision to do so. This game is about making good decisions on who to get and who to rank up, we really have to make good frictions since resources are scarce. Now there’s always a fear that your next R5 will be nerfed. They really need revisit their older champs and make them more on par with the game...
    They did...
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