Aw offseason locked scores.

I understand that the system will never be perfect and kabam has tried by locking down tiers 1-5 to try to keep the upper tiers from tanking. From what we found out this offseason is now tier 5 is paying the price. Our alliance always jumps around tier 5/4 sometimes can drop to 6. Last season we finished tier 5. Scores locked thinking we can have a laid back offseason. That did not happen because even though we won our first offseason aw and lost second 0 points gained and 0 points lost since tier 6 can still gain half points we were dropped into tier 6 and ended having to try and play hard in offseason to not drop any further back. Now trying to come out of tier 6 at start of the new season when we should be in tier 5. That multiplier makes a difference.