Omega broken?

penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
I have a 4 star rank 5 omega red and I generally take him into aq as I fight minis linked in map 3-4 and below well omega red is bleed immune sorta he takes what only 5% of bleed damage and this should be consistent right.....

Map 3 aq this week was proxima midnight as mini taking down both with bleed poison and extra HP nodes up easy peasy lemon squeezey but against non minis say Luke cage in the middle path of section 3 instead of taking the 18 bleed damage I took on minis I'm taking just under 200 bleed damage which I thought was off considering there was nothing there that should enhance the bleed same linked node as what was on the mini.....

Same goes for Thanos with the bleed node active I take 200+ damage per tick as if omega red isn't acting like he should with his resitence to bleed while I still get death field I don't get the lower bleed damage something I'm missing or is he broken?


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    You are only taking 5% bleed damage. But the enhanced bleed node increases that, so you will lose more than just 5%
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186

    You are only taking 5% bleed damage. But the enhanced bleed node increases that, so you will lose more than just 5%

    There is no enhanced bleed node in this example just a bleed node so...
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    It's purely a bleed link no enhanced bleed or anything just bleed so while I take 18 damage per tick on the mini bosses against non minis and Thanos I take full damage it seems even tho it's the full node...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Omega Red reduces bleed effects by 90%.
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186

    Omega Red reduces bleed effects by 90%.

    I'm aware of that trust me only reason why I rank 5ed him what I'm trying to say is at times hes not reducing the bleed so last aq I took on proxima linked with bleed node no enhanced bleed took 18 dam per tick...

    I go up against anything else with the same bleed node and I am taking full damage....

    There is no enhanced bleed anywhere in the map we did last week.... So the bleed should've been 18 damage for all bleed nodes but it wasn't
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019

    Omega Red reduces bleed effects by 90%.

    I'm aware of that trust me only reason why I rank 5ed him what I'm trying to say is at times hes not reducing the bleed so last aq I took on proxima linked with bleed node no enhanced bleed took 18 dam per tick...

    I go up against anything else with the same bleed node and I am taking full damage....

    There is no enhanced bleed anywhere in the map we did last week.... So the bleed should've been 18 damage for all bleed nodes but it wasn't
    Which map? 3 or 4 and what section? Just saying you take 18 per tick doesnt mean much or even saying you take full damage if we don't know what the bleed amount is.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    I don't see a bleed node on map 3 and map 4 variation 3 is an enhanced bleed node.

  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186

    I don't see a bleed node on map 3 and map 4 variation 3 is an enhanced bleed node.

    As I said I take everything linked!!!! So in map 3 there is a link called bleed when that is on a mini boss such as proxima I take exactly 18 damage now on any other fight besides the two mini bosses I take full damage which is around 200 damage so Thanos a Luke cage whatever it may be if it has a link on it that's bleed omega doesn't resist any of the bleed....
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    It's not a node on the mini it's a link as ice stated
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    @Kabam Miike can we hear your wonderful explanation why this is happening and if we should expect a fix
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Miike can we hear your wonderful explanation why this is happening and if we should expect a fix

    That's not how this works at all. You can't tag a mod with a super vague description of what's happening without showing what is happening. All you've said is "18 damage and 200 damage". A link is still a node effect until the node that produces it is taken down. It's a link node as it's always referred to. None of the maps give a very good description of which node your are talking about either so can't rely on those for information. What you need is screenshots of the node and video of what is happening. In most cases like this, it's just a misunderstanding of the node interaction and the champ attacking it.
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186

    @Kabam Miike can we hear your wonderful explanation why this is happening and if we should expect a fix

    That's not how this works at all. You can't tag a mod with a super vague description of what's happening without showing what is happening. All you've said is "18 damage and 200 damage". A link is still a node effect until the node that produces it is taken down. It's a link node as it's always referred to. None of the maps give a very good description of which node your are talking about either so can't rely on those for information. What you need is screenshots of the node and video of what is happening. In most cases like this, it's just a misunderstanding of the node interaction and the champ attacking it.
    It isn't bloody vague matey pointing out the difference between the damage from the same bleed link and I know the bleed won't go away until link node is down BUT OMEGA RED IS BLEED RESISTANT....

    Even without a video it would be extremely easy to produce because you take omega red against thanos with bleed link active and booms your taking loads of damage no I'm not making a video because I've dug through posts and found out that the typical kabam response was that it was adding the bleed damage after the bleed was being resisted but before adding the bleed there is no bleed so it's obviously bugged but this is another typical we don't give a **** about our players and that we will keep this bug in the game closing this thread down as kabam won't do ****
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  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Im confused and I use Omega Red in AQ all the time. Omega should only take 10% bleed damage. But there r nodes that increase stats by 200% on thanos and others if I remember right. That would increase the bleed damage considerably. R u saying he is taking more damage on regular fights than on the minibosses and thanos?
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Miike can we hear your wonderful explanation why this is happening and if we should expect a fix

    That's not how this works at all. You can't tag a mod with a super vague description of what's happening without showing what is happening. All you've said is "18 damage and 200 damage". A link is still a node effect until the node that produces it is taken down. It's a link node as it's always referred to. None of the maps give a very good description of which node your are talking about either so can't rely on those for information. What you need is screenshots of the node and video of what is happening. In most cases like this, it's just a misunderstanding of the node interaction and the champ attacking it.
    It isn't bloody vague matey pointing out the difference between the damage from the same bleed link and I know the bleed won't go away until link node is down BUT OMEGA RED IS BLEED RESISTANT....

    Even without a video it would be extremely easy to produce because you take omega red against thanos with bleed link active and booms your taking loads of damage no I'm not making a video because I've dug through posts and found out that the typical kabam response was that it was adding the bleed damage after the bleed was being resisted but before adding the bleed there is no bleed so it's obviously bugged but this is another typical we don't give a **** about our players and that we will keep this bug in the game closing this thread down as kabam won't do ****
    If you dug through posts you'd realize that the mods ask for screenshots and videos. If he was really bugged you'd see many more posts than just yours.
  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    That bleed link...
    Is that 100% health over 60sec? Or over 30sec?

    What is your omega red’s max health?

    I just want more info so we can figure out what exactly is going on
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    In map 4 it is 60 seconds. I would guess map 3 is the same.
  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    Of course, we had bugs in map 7 like corvus taking coldsnap damage from freezeburn node,
    Or him taking bleed damage from bleed nodes when revive potion was used, and so on
    So there is possibility that it is bug

    Just, we need more data
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    15k HP node is 100% bleed over 60 seconds but that's also there on the mini bosses but yet I take only 18 damage but I go up against thanos or say a normal fight that has the same link in taking 200 dam
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    I'm more frustrated with the inconsistency that kabam has put there it's the exact same node on all of the fights yet one does 182 more damage than another? Doesn't make alot of sense sadly I can't make a video about it because after this week I'm off on vacation but it's easy to replicate map 3 section 3 middle path there's a Luke cage there that is linked by the bleed take omega red there then attack the minis with bleed link still active and you will see the difference
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    I'll try to get a allience member to replicate it and post
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    Seems to be working fine. Stark is bleeding at a tick of 126 and Omega at 13. Kabams math is always wonky though so since it would be 12.6 they round to 13. This is why screenshots and videos are important.
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