Rank up 5* IMIW?

Just pulled this fella off a Unified GMC, and I have the resources to take him up to R3. The only other tech champs I have worth taking up are 5* Darkhawk (unduped) and 4/40 Warlock (duped) and 4/40 Mysterio (duped).
For a bit of background, I’m uncollected and still rely on my 5/50 4* champs (Blade, Cap Sparkles, AA, Sym Supreme, Hype, CAIW). I’m not 100% sold on IMIW’s offensive capabilities, though I am intrigued by his synergy with CAIW.
What do you guys think?

For a bit of background, I’m uncollected and still rely on my 5/50 4* champs (Blade, Cap Sparkles, AA, Sym Supreme, Hype, CAIW). I’m not 100% sold on IMIW’s offensive capabilities, though I am intrigued by his synergy with CAIW.
What do you guys think?

Rank up 5* IMIW? 23 votes
He is great on defense and if you have Night Monkey, he can do some insane damage