Boss rush titles - great idea

Firstly, thanks kabam for all of the titles in boss rush. I really like that there are so many cool looking titles to choose from and that they support some of your favourite mcoc youtubers. I am going to try to grind away for all 6. 
I noticed though that the titles were the common grey ones. As some of these champs are pretty tough compared to heroic/master, i was hoping to have the titles be orange or blue to reflect the difficulty.
Can we expect more of these opportunities in the future? If so, could we up the rarity?

I noticed though that the titles were the common grey ones. As some of these champs are pretty tough compared to heroic/master, i was hoping to have the titles be orange or blue to reflect the difficulty.
Can we expect more of these opportunities in the future? If so, could we up the rarity?