Are cavalier players endgame players?

Was having a discussion with some people so was just wondering what other people think on this subject
Are cavalier players endgame players? 82 votes
All Varients 100%
6.1 100%
6.2 completed and working on exploration.
They should have more than 6 R5s
People working through the newest content because they have either completed or are not going to complete some older content(looking at you LoL) I would classify as endgame. LoL is a terrible check in endgame as rewards aren’t that relevant and people skip it because the pain doesn’t match the rewards. Variants/Act 6 are the current checkpoints on endgame imo.
Everyone has a different view and it doesn’t matter in all honesty.
IMO Currently Cavalier and 100% Act 5 would put you in the category of an Act 6 endgame player but not an MCOC endgame player. This is already changing though and with the release of 6.3 Cavalier certainly wouldn’t be descriptive.
To be an MCOC endgame player you would need to display 100% completed on all of the highest level quest content available except maybe the last released quest content because at that stage your at the endgame.