Cavalier calendar

I just became cavalier today XD. But currently my daily log in calendar is still the uncollected one. Will the uncollected calendar change to cavalier calendar after the cycle is finished? or is it supposed to automatically reset the calendar to cavalier by now?
It's been about 1month from when I became Cavalier and I'm not receiving any reward or special calendars.
I used to play MCOC a few years ago but I missed my old account so I had to create a new one. I received a few messages saying something about I was cheating but I never use hacks (I don't even know where are those hacks). Hopefully they can fix it.
But anyways, from your pic it shows you are only Level 37.
Might be that (even though you are Cav), lot of things in game needing Uncollected or above *ALSO* have a LEVEL 40 requirement to them.
So once you reach Level 40 (and maybe wait until following calendar timing) you may start to get Progression based calendar.