Corvus Mission 4 (Evade/AutoBlock) Questions

Hiya, I have several question marks re: CG's Mission 4. I've had a few situations recently where I didn't get the mission and I think I'm either doing something wrong or it's a matter of verbiage and my limited English is tricking me here.

Challenge Defenses: Use a Heavy or Special Attack to knock down an opponent that used Evade or Auto-Block in a fight. Once this mission is complete, his True Damage Buff becomes a True Strike Buff if the synergy with Proxima Midnight is active.

1. Does "knock down" means to actually finish the fight or using once during the fight is enough? (I can swear I saw a video - tho Proxima was on the team - where the mission no. went up whilst still fighting)

2. Does this mission apply to Medusa's auto-block, Heimdall and MODOK?

3. Does this mission apply to less obvious evaders (at least compared to spiders) such as Domino, Ultron or Daredevil?

4. Does this apply to tenacity (Agent venom) or is evade seen a completely different ability?

5. Does "used Evade or Auto-Block in a fight" means that just once is enough? (This is almost granted in a fight against a duped medusa)

6. I'm not a 100% sure if there are nodes that allow champs to evade (I think there's one in AW), but for the sake of example let's assume yes. Would this mission apply to a fight with a champ that evades even if not on his abilities?


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  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    Ok let's answer all of them
    1. "knock down" means that an opponent strikes the ground during the fight (via heavy or specials) and stays alive, that is what grants Corvus that mission; however, if you knock down an opponent and you also knock him out simultaneously, you won't get the mission.
    2. Yes it does and MODOK is actually one of the best npc to get that mission from; just strike him and let him autoblock-->parry-->heavy = mission completed.
    3. Yes it does to anyone who evades during a fight; after he/she evades, knock him/her down to get the mission (but don't knock him/her out simultaneously or you won't get the mission).
    4. No it does not, tenacity is not an ability that goes under the "autoblock, evade" tree.
    5. yes, you just need to do it one time in one fight and you'll have it for the rest of the quest (but pay attention to matchup that strips the buff or the true strike, such as Spidergwen, not a good matchup especially if stun immune).
    6. One of the possible global node for AW is "Size S", in which defender tagged ad Size S can evade with a 5% flat chance, so you can actually get the mission from anyone who is tagged as S.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    Clarification on #1 for OP. Corvus gains the Mission count “after” the fight is over (for the next fight). EXCEPT if Proxima is on team, then he gains it (at least the True Stike, not sure about the Damage increase ?) for the rest of the current fight as well.
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    @aryl @haji_saab @NightMonkey :raised-hands: thanks so much for the speedy response - this answers all my questions - brilliant!

    Seems that my confusion is the "knock down" VS " know out" terminology. Had no clue. I was doing literally the other way around and trying to finish the fight with a heavy/special. (Also in my defense, it doesn't mention anywhere in the description we need to do this immediatly after the evade/auto-block OR that if the poor dude dies we don't get the mission ;) )

    Ps: @NightMonkey thanks so much for the level of detail, special on that war node, that's a great one to bear in mind which I never even considered something to take CG against.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    (Doesn’t have to be “immediately” after the Evade/autoblock, just anytime afterwards in the fight)
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    Clarification on #1 for OP. Corvus gains the Mission count “after” the fight is over (for the next fight). EXCEPT if Proxima is on team, then he gains it (at least the True Stike, not sure about the Damage increase ?) for the rest of the current fight as well.

    umm no, corvus will gain the mission count as soon as the mission is completed, regardless of whether proxima is in or not. With proxima on the team, in addition to increasing the mission count, it also changes the true damage passive to a true strike buff.
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    @SummonerNR ow really? Now that's another detail I wasn't aware. So in essence, the only situation that you get a Corvus mission during a fight is Mission 4 completed + Proxima in the team? For all other missions, you just get the charge for the next fight? Is that it? (Yet another thing not clear on the description
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    @SummonerNR ow really? Now that's another detail I wasn't aware. So in essence, the only situation that you get a Corvus mission during a fight is Mission 4 completed + Proxima in the team? For all other missions, you just get the charge for the next fight? Is that it? (Yet another thing not clear on the description

    SummonerNR is a little bit mistaken on that part. For the autoblock/evade mission, after you have already triggered the autoblock/evade once, anytime in the fight after that if you knock him down with a special/heavy without killing him, you immediately raise the mission count by 1, and if proxima is in your team your true damage immediately becomes a true strike buff.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    The other 3 missions involve knocking out specific champion classes and types, so it would make sense that you raise the counter for those 3 missions AFTER the battle is over.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    or as Champion corrected me, Mission 4 no matter if Proxima is on team or not. (I was more stating that with her you get the True Stike right away too)
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    I can't believe I'm a mid/low-tier player and CG is my definite MVP and I never spared a few minutes to clear this out. :me-banging-my-head-against-the-wall: o:):D .. kind of a game-changer for me lol, those missions make such a difference. Thanks, folks - precious.
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★

    I can't believe I'm a mid/low-tier player and CG is my definite MVP and I never spared a few minutes to clear this out. :me-banging-my-head-against-the-wall: o:):D .. kind of a game-changer for me lol, those missions make such a difference. Thanks, folks - precious.

    *thumbs up*

    Glad we could help.

    And yeah, 4 missions with Corvus, you destroy stuff.
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