Guesses For the New Champion Puzzle

Just a few guesses for the champion puzzle.
The GIANT space in the middle: Galactus.
The four connected to the GIANT space: More of Galactus’ heralds (Terrax, Fire Lord, etc.)
Next to Goblin and Iron Patriot: Ultimate Goblin.
Next to Surfer: Mr. Fantastic.
Next to Mr. Fantastic(?): Doom and... Reed and Sue’s kids? I’m not sure.
Next to Mephisto: Dracula, Surtur, or Enchantress.
Next to Collector and the other Elders: Another Elder (who knows which) or an OC.
Next to Cap. Marvel and the New Warriors: Nova (I’m guessing Sam Alexander since he’s a member of the NW but I think most people would prefer Dic- Richard Rider)
Next to M.O.D.O.K. and the New Warriors: Other NW members (I don’t know them that well. The only others members I can even name are Speedball and Namorita, and she’d probably be next to Namor, not Mr. Potato Head)
Characters beneath the GIANT spot: Idk, but the glowing red one scares me. The only other glowing red character in here is Power Stone Amped Champion after all. I’m guessing OCs.
Next to Cap, Widow, Bucky, and Killmonger: Zemo and (I REALLY wanna say something cool but it’ll probably just be:) Movie BW.
Next to Sunspot: Firestar?
Next to the various Weapon X experiments: Daken and...?
In the middle of the X-Men: Xavier.
Above Emma and next to Iron Man: Cloak and Dagger?
Between the four horsemen of the apocalypse: Tell me with a straight face that that’s someone other than Apocalypse.
Next to Guillotine: Guillotine 2099.
Next to Blade and Morningstar: Elsa Bloodstone.
Beneath Morningstar: Swamp Thing and... *Furious searching through Wikipedia*
Next to Spiderverse: I really want to say Morlun.
Next to Spider-Gwen: Lizard and another spider (Spider-Woman?).
Next to Howard: .........Squirrel Girl?
I agree Prof Xavier will be in the spot connected to the X-Men..just makes the most sense and the same could be said with the one connected to Archangel, Psylocke, Deadpool X-force ,and the x-force Wolverine that being Apocalypse. Guillotine 2099 connected to the Guillotine we already have in the game. The one connected to WW2 Cap is Zero I think. The one connected to Captain Marvel (movie) and Darkhawk I believe will be Nova. The one connected to M.O.D.O.K. could be Arnim Zola. The one connected to Green Goblin and Iron Patriot...could be a sinister six member or maybe Hobgoblin.
Still need to look at the other ones some more, but excited to see as each is revealed to us via the months ahead.