So I like Phoenix and I use her in quests sometime. Parry and heavy to help build her up quickly and she can hit like a truck at times. She is best duped however due to being able to be revived once per fight
She is underrated, because the Cosmic class has been stacked for quite some time (today more than ever). The armor breaks and the incinerate on her basic attacks are a very useful combination. If you have no other 5* Cosmics or 4* worthy of 5/50, you can certainly put the resources in her, for an R3 perhaps.
I like using her... but she has a somewhat limited play style. Basically, the only optimized way to play her is spamming heavies until you have 5 phoenix charges and/or around 10 fury buffs Then use a SP1 and SP3 right after
She's all right. Nothing to write home about.
Then use a SP1 and SP3 right after
Rinse and repeat ._.