New arena crystal is super dissapointing FYI

I just compared 100k battlechips of the old and 100k of the new crystal and the new one is trash. I got half the units and gold just about. I know it's a huge gamble on the new one but wow. Every time you hit the worst prize (I.e 15k gold) it's basically like hitting the worst prize 5 times in a row on the old crystal. No punishers obviously. Definitely wouldn't recommend people doing this new crystal.
WOW that's way better than what anyone in my alliance is pulling
I guess it's all luck because I got ****
Dr. Zola
I'll send some alliance screenshots that are all trash lol
The new crystals contain exactly what they are supposed to contain. 1 instance of bad luck doesn't mean that everyone will have bad luck every time.
90 regular arena crystals. I can't believe how bad this is.
I thought this crystal would be my answer to my gold problems and I'm so pissed. I got less gold and units than the old crystal
How many crystals will need to be opened? 10k? I laughed a lot
Yep, 35 crystals here, a total of 75 units and 575k in gold. while other in my alliance cleaned house. When kabam bends you over, there is nothing you can do be clench a fist.
Did you see some of the gold some got from a butt load of crystals?! 300k for 40+ crystals
Im still debating on getting those or not.
It's RNG. Over time, you'll roll more Gold. Believe me. Lol. I always tell my guys, if you want Gold, try for Units. Never fails.
I had opened around 25 of those. i went from 11.2 million to 11.9 million gold, and got like 500 units, which aint that bad for me