Next Champion Rework

When will the community get to vote on the next potential rework? Assuming OML and Colossus go live this next update, it’s about time for more reworks. Are you going to recycle the old list or can you PLEASE add Magneto and HB to the list for the community to vote for. It seems like since it’s a community poll, we should have a say in who it is that’s reworked. Even if you put a write in option, I’m sure Magneto would still win. I know mutant is already top heavy with great champs but Magneto deserves justice. Magneto and HB are the two most desperately requested reworks. Please take this into consideration.
I have Magneto 5 *, but there have to be other classes for rework as well.
I’d go with Juggernaut and Iron Fist