Elsa Bloodstone-Champ Review

This is my first champ review. I will do these for all champs from now one, including bosses like Grandmaster/Collector or trophy champs like Goldpool.
I will do reviews based on the date realased.
Let me know if I should add any more factors in my reviews. Thanks.
Champion: Elsa Bloodstone
Class: Skill
Overall Stats: Health: Good.
Attack: Pretty good, and her energy damage and DOTs can help.
Artwork: Overall, she looks pretty good. I'm not sure if I like the orange, but its meh. The amulet and black jacket look cool.
I like the look of the rifle with the bayonette a lot better than the pistol.
Her hair reminds me of Medusa a little.
Animations: Her animations are very smooth. Her gunshot at the end of combos are very fluent. Specal attacks feel fun to fire, watch, etc.
Favorite Special: Sp1. I like her rifle. It looks and sounds really cool. Two powerful shots and a slice with the bayonette just feels fun to launch.
Abilities and Powers: Hellfire Rounds: Pretty good damage and can reduce Block Profficiancy, which can be a huge problem for champs like Cull Obsidain.
Behemoth Busters: Potency increase is really good, and the crictal hits do lots of additional damage from the Busted debuff.
Percision/Cruelty: These are good for further increasing her damage, and are pretty easy to get.
Debuffs: Degen aplied on champs is good and makes her a little viable for suicides masteries.
Evade: Nothing too exciting, but can help avoid damage and get openings.
Synergies: Hunting Party: Very intresting. 25% could be a good bonus, but its only for Elsa and when fighting villains.
Darkhawk gets half a bar of power when entering a mode, which could speed up his damage output.
Beauty and the Beast: Nothing to special. Beast becomes a little better.
Boss Fight: Boss Fight was pretty easy. Nothing to hard. Hardest thing was evading specials, but that will always be a little difficult to do since she is new.
Performance: She has a pretty straight foward fighting style. End your combos with light attacks to apply busted. When you have all 6 busted, fire sp2. For each busted, her crits deal extra energy damage and incinerates deal pretty good damage as well. If the opponent is immune to incinerate, place a coldsnap.
Rating: 7/10
High-Demi god Tier or God Tier. Relies on debuffs for damage and lacks utility. Not the best for suicide masteries. Good for shorter fights, but longer fights can be an issue.
What do you like about ? Dislike? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Your opinions are read and respected.
I will do reviews based on the date realased.
Let me know if I should add any more factors in my reviews. Thanks.
Champion: Elsa Bloodstone
Class: Skill
Overall Stats: Health: Good.
Attack: Pretty good, and her energy damage and DOTs can help.
Artwork: Overall, she looks pretty good. I'm not sure if I like the orange, but its meh. The amulet and black jacket look cool.
I like the look of the rifle with the bayonette a lot better than the pistol.
Her hair reminds me of Medusa a little.
Animations: Her animations are very smooth. Her gunshot at the end of combos are very fluent. Specal attacks feel fun to fire, watch, etc.
Favorite Special: Sp1. I like her rifle. It looks and sounds really cool. Two powerful shots and a slice with the bayonette just feels fun to launch.
Abilities and Powers: Hellfire Rounds: Pretty good damage and can reduce Block Profficiancy, which can be a huge problem for champs like Cull Obsidain.
Behemoth Busters: Potency increase is really good, and the crictal hits do lots of additional damage from the Busted debuff.
Percision/Cruelty: These are good for further increasing her damage, and are pretty easy to get.
Debuffs: Degen aplied on champs is good and makes her a little viable for suicides masteries.
Evade: Nothing too exciting, but can help avoid damage and get openings.
Synergies: Hunting Party: Very intresting. 25% could be a good bonus, but its only for Elsa and when fighting villains.
Darkhawk gets half a bar of power when entering a mode, which could speed up his damage output.
Beauty and the Beast: Nothing to special. Beast becomes a little better.
Boss Fight: Boss Fight was pretty easy. Nothing to hard. Hardest thing was evading specials, but that will always be a little difficult to do since she is new.
Performance: She has a pretty straight foward fighting style. End your combos with light attacks to apply busted. When you have all 6 busted, fire sp2. For each busted, her crits deal extra energy damage and incinerates deal pretty good damage as well. If the opponent is immune to incinerate, place a coldsnap.
Rating: 7/10
High-Demi god Tier or God Tier. Relies on debuffs for damage and lacks utility. Not the best for suicide masteries. Good for shorter fights, but longer fights can be an issue.
What do you like about ? Dislike? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Your opinions are read and respected.
Overall damage rating compared to other champs? For instance Domino is 10/10 and Groot is 0/10. Where does she line up?
Overall defense. Thing 10/10 Vulture 0/10.
For example
Best matchups: like maybe say any champs who aren't this and that immune? Don't have specific armor or whatever?
Worst matchups: self explanatory.
Are they anything special? For instance quake, ghost, cull, proxima, aegon. They all have something that makes them very powerful if played the right way.
For instance: aegons utility and damage expands the higher combo you reach, or Corvus true damage gives you consitent high damage output in almost any situation, or quake barely has to touch her opponent to deal significant damage.
@RoninMan I get it. Not trying to be rude, and it didn't come off rude for me.
I found two videos for gameplay in act 4, 5 and ROL
I based animations off my gameplay and artwork off of picture in the announcement.
And yes, my experience in EQ and others were how I based the boss fight section.