3rd 6* champ - another dud!

These 6* crystals take forever to get, pulling another almost useless champ is very frustrating!
Red Skull - only use is as a havok counter
Yondu - decent heal block on l1
Sentry - nothing
Spending so many hours playing a game to be so disappointed, this is why loot boxes are being looked at. Those who will spend cash to buy loot boxes to try and buy their way to getting something good because the odds are mostly in favour of getting something you don't want.

Red Skull - only use is as a havok counter
Yondu - decent heal block on l1
Sentry - nothing
Spending so many hours playing a game to be so disappointed, this is why loot boxes are being looked at. Those who will spend cash to buy loot boxes to try and buy their way to getting something good because the odds are mostly in favour of getting something you don't want.

@Kerneas the only good synergy is the void synergy which isn't worth it, if you have void then you might as well just use him and keep the space in your team for someone who can make a difference.
I'll happily use him if there's a good use for him but, I haven't seen anyone find one yet.
My 5* roster is strong so, champs that have little/ no utility aren't useful.
That said, it really sucks that it’s so hard to get champs and so many of them are terrible.