Should new 6 star crystals only contain the best champoins?

Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
When new 6 stars come out in crystals should they contain only best champions or should they have some bad ones like iron patriot?


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    I think kabam should do a beta test type survey where they get select players from the community to vote on what champions to have in the crystal so they can get community opinions while limit trolling, non constructive critism and outrage from the entire playerbase
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    It wont matter in my opinion think about it they are 6 STAR CHAMPIONS meaning any champ you get will be soo strong maybe not the best 6 star but they will be ridiculously strong even if you pulled an iron patriot imagine the stats on him.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Won't happen, that would totally obliterate the point of even having 5* champs.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    true, but then players would say only people like iceman, archangel, starlord, ect...
    I think that they should at least add some ok champs like ronan and original black panther and one or two bad ones like ms marvel kamala khan
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    My guess is it will be the opposite. 6 star champs is a way of devaluing god tier without a blatant nerf. Why do you think so many top tier older champs will never appear as a 5 star?
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    iceman, starlord, gamora, thor, vision AOU, captain america, angela, wolvorine, storm, doc strange, ronan, black panther original and spider man classic are the ones I think should be added
  • Bearz_RuleBearz_Rule Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2017
    Wordy12 wrote: »
    iceman, starlord, gamora, thor, vision AOU, captain america, angela, wolvorine, storm, doc strange, ronan, black panther original and spider man classic are the ones I think should be added

    You seriously think they'll add champs to a 6* crystal that aren't even available as 5* (and never will be)? Also a lot of those champs are trash...
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey everybody, if you want to discuss 6-Star Champions, we've got a thread about it I've linked below. Since we'd like to keep the conversation focused in one place, I'll be closing this thread, but you can continue to give your thoughts and feedback on 6-Star Champs using the thread below:

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