#VoteHulkbuster - My Thoughts on the potential buff

Here are my thoughts on what should/could happen:
- New SP1
- Increased base attack.
- Immunity to Bleed – Multiple levels of armor and protection protect Tony from blows that cause bleed.
- Immunity to Poison – Advanced Stark Filtration Systems filters out all known poisons in the Battlerealm before they can affect Tony.
- Gamma Protocol – Grants Hulkbuster an advanced fury that increases attack by 75% and advanced warning systems prevent Hulkbuster from being stunned.
- Extinction Protocol – Tony equips the Hulkbuster with the ability to survive in extreme weather conditions, making Hulkbuster immune to Coldsnap, Frostbite and Incinerate.
- Point Break Protocol – Tony equips the Hulkbuster with an advanced charging system that turns shock damage into Power and grants him a stacking fury buff that scales with each shock debuff he would receive.
If you read their post, no magneto because we just got 2 mutant buffs (Collossus and Logan), and they dont want to just be buffing just one class
- New SP1
- Increased base attack.
- Immunity to Bleed – Multiple levels of armor and protection protect Tony from blows that cause bleed.
- Immunity to Poison – Advanced Stark Filtration Systems filters out all known poisons in the Battlerealm before they can affect Tony.
Pre-Flight Ability- Gamma Protocol – Grants Hulkbuster an advanced fury that increases attack by 75% and advanced warning systems prevent Hulkbuster from being stunned.
- Extinction Protocol – Tony equips the Hulkbuster with the ability to survive in extreme weather conditions, making Hulkbuster immune to Coldsnap, Frostbite and Incinerate.
- Point Break Protocol – Tony equips the Hulkbuster with an advanced charging system that turns shock damage into Power and grants him a stacking fury buff that scales with each shock debuff he would receive.
- Repair Protocol - Tony initiates Veronica for repairs to the Hulkbuster armor, generating 20% health over 10 seconds at the start of the fight.
While all of these Protocols are good, it would really force the attacker to determine what is best based on the fight (just like Tony would do). The regen would be helpful, but then you give up a lot of additional utility.Thanks. Later on in the thread, I did add a 4th protocol called the repair protocol which I could see as his default protocol. I did not add a perfect block in here but that really should be a part of his base stats like armor. In my opinion.