Changes For Begginers Players too

The game only get better for old players. Now free Crystals will get better and more things also. And begginers players always have to Fight to get at least one 4* per month. Now Uncollected players will have 4* too much. More than us. They don't need to care about to play lot of hours to get 4* Champs. And Begginers need to give their life to the game to get 4* Champs. Why good Changes needs to be only for advanced players?! Why we that play hard to get 10 PC after oppen this amount. then only comes 2* Champs?! They only make good Changes to old Guys don't, pay attention in us that suffer trying to get good things in the game. The game is like the politic of the Brazil. That only the rich get better support and profits. The poor ones have to fight to get the basic and even have depressing momments when get a Bad champ
Changes For Begginers Players too 17 votes
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For example. In the start of the game i didn't got any ideia that 4* Basic arenas is "easy" to get in the 10% rewards. And after playing 1 month i had 12 heroes of 3* and 1 of 4*. And the points that we need is about 1.5kk to get the basic 4* one. This is complicated for who started the game without any notion of how it works. And how to grow fast.
But. Think with me. The % of Drop a 4* is like 1%. And now for Uncollected one are going to increase abou to 20%. And begginers are always in the first floor. I mean the base of the pyramid. They can walk trough us because they are so much stronger than us. And i saw. A guy that opened 300 PC. And he got nothing of 4*. Only 2*/3*
Me? If i not wrong. i mean that high tier players always get good things. They get good Changes in the game first than us. And the game put some offers like "1 5* hero crystal by $100" and who don't have miney have to play and play hours to get one 4*. The PC you need to cry to get a 3*/4*
when they make a change that affects higher tier players, it ALSO affects us. because it is in our future.
The only way that a change can be ONLY for certain players if it affects players lower than you. (in your past).
actually, the game is ALREADY skewed to lower players. I played LOTS for 6 months before i got my first 5*. My son's friend got it in 3 months, because he got most of his shards from the monthly calendar.
I do not think you realize that for players at the Uncollected level, 4*s (with some exceptions) are not that huge a deal anymore. Most people at that level already have 80+ 4* champs....
Correction, we earn those good things. If you think we got to where we are by whining and asking for handouts you are sadly mistaken. If you want the same rewards as me then grind like I have and continue to do, that simple.
I cant understand this. It made my brain hurt trying to read it.
It's earned
Heck, even I'm thinking the new system will have me out of the contest and I already knew I had no chance against 1% but now is worse. Even I already should struggled to face the 10% and my time/duties don't allow me it almost never, now I've my chances are zero here too.
Bigger players don't see or don't want see the problem because (they think) it don't affect them and because (despite the elitist feel) they think benefits for everyone could menace them, but neither, it do affect them because if new and medium players quit the game, tired and burned, then bigger players lost because people will be "out the pool". And benefits for everyone don't hurt bigger players neither, because the gap is already unsolved even without the new rewards stated by op.
People arguing "back in the days, when I started we don't have X then you should not have Y now" is talking fallacies, so many I don't how start.
At that time, that absences were for everyone, now advantages are for someones. Worst it's for the ones already on the top.
At that time, the user base was growing, if you stayed playing you could have on the top just because more people was joining the game. That is no longer happening because user base don't grow exponentially. Every pyramid scheme probs it and fails.
(1) It's actually kind of fun restarting the game. I quite liked rediscovering Act One. Act five? You can keep it!
(2) beginners have got different crystal drop rates. I had several 3* and two 4* from PHCs in a week. First time round, I got to Kang with 3*2/20s! Reviewing the forums, this is normal.
(3) beginners have different arenas. They can actually grind much more successfully, and get the fancy new champions you grind for with much lower scores, as they are competing with other beginners. There are beginner, intermediate and long-term tiers (I think), and champs are awarded accordingly.
(4) the calendar. Noobs get a hundred units, revives and a 3-4* champ every month, just for showing up. So do we; and I, for one, am grateful. 5000 five star shards and a Nebula this month? The newbies get those too.
I think you can join the game pretty successfully still; although 6* champs won't help that. I don't know if this is ever going to get read by a moderator, but just as a suggestion: why don't you actually clarify these benefits to new players in a Sticky Thread?
Dropping in so I can close this. Unfortunately, this thread is nonconstructive and went south with some comments. I can understand being frustrated with new additions to the game, but please keep in mind that when making a Poll towards these sort of things that it is kept constructive and open to a discussion where other community members won't be torn down. Remember to be respectful towards each other when commenting on discussions and when creating them. Thanks!
Dropping in so I can close this. Unfortunately, this thread is nonconstructive and went south with some posts. I can understand being frustrated with new additions to the game, but please keep in mind that when making a Poll towards these sort of things that it is kept constructive and open to discussion that won't tear other players down.
Dropping in so I can close this. Unfortunately, this thread is nonconstructive and went south with some posts. I can understand being frustrated with new additions to the game, but please keep in mind that when making a Poll towards these sort of things that it is kept constructive and open to discussion that won't tear other players down.